Post by Patrick
P90X2 is awesome! It's pretty different from the first P90X, but you work out just as hard or even harder in some of the work outs. Some of the exercises are still too intense for me, but I'm building up to them.
One of my favorite new features that X2 brings are the foam roller exercises. Having the foam roller is optional to the workouts, but I totally recommend it. Tony teaches you how to pretty much give yourself deep massages all throughout your body using the roller so that your body is capable of recovering faster and doing more. If you ever pay for massages, this could maybe even save you money.
The massage is intense at first, but I now use it everyday even aside from when I work out. I'm actually seeing better results on P90X2 than I did on the first P90X. That's just me personally though. I recommend the work to anybody looking to tone up and try something new.
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