Monday, May 14, 2012

A Day in the Life: Road Trip

Post by Shannon

Last week we went on a road trip to Arizona. It was a very long road trip (12 1/2 hours). When you are on a long road trip it's so easy to eat junk food!

This is not good when you are trying to eat healthy and be fit.

So I have to confess that on the way there I didn't do very well...

I ate doughnuts, lot of crackers and one and a half slices of pie. I felt so sick afterwards because I've been doing so good the past few months!

The problem was our little girls were crying a lot, and I turned to junk food. The other problem was that it was "Free Pie Wednesday" at the restaurant we went to! Not good. Patrick didn't want all of his pie so I ate half of his! Even more bad.

So on the way home, I decided to do better and pack healthy snacks! I packed grapes, strawberries, apples, oranges, healthier crackers, carrots, etc. This time when I felt the urge to eat bad, I grabbed the healthy snacks instead. Much better! :)

I realized I was eating because I was bored not because I was hungry. I don't know about you, but I'm not a fan of sitting in the car for hours. I get car sick easily, and so I turn to the snacks in the car to help me along.

It's much better when you are prepared!

So if you are going to take a road trip in the near future, make sure to prepare yourself with LOTS of healthy snacks! Also, bring water! When you get the urge to snack, drink water instead! It will fill you up, and you will eat less snacks. :)

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