Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Day in the Life: Eating 5 Times a Day

Post by Shannon

I attribute my weight loss success to three things:

- Eating five times a day
- Doing a workout I love everyday
- Drinking Shakeology daily

These things are all very important to help you succeed!

When I tell people I've been eating five times a day, they say, "How can you do that? I'm way too busy to eat five times a day!"

Well, to tell you the truth, it was a big adjustment at first! The key to doing this is PLANNING!!


Step #1- Plan your meals and snacks eat week.
Step #2-  Go grocery shopping so you have everything available when you are ready to eat!
Step #3- Throw out MOST of the junk food in your house (cookies, cakes, doughnuts, candy, etc.)
Step #4- Notice I said MOST, but not ALL? This is because you need to allow yourself treats! Allowing yourself treats is so important because you won't crave the treats as much and eat a whole cake because you feel deprived!!
Step #5- Determine how many calories you need each day by going to this site:
Step #6- Take that number and divide by five. Eat about (it doesn't have to be exact) that many calories five times a day.
Step #7- Start eating every three hours.
Step #8- Notice what you eat. Write it down. Every little thing. Even if it's just a bite.
Step #9- Look at what you ate at the end of the day to see what you are eating. 
Step #10- Keep trying each day! If you don't do it one day, try again the next day!

Here is a picture of what your plate should look like:


Join a Challenge Group! You'll get the support you need to do this!! Email us at GolladayFit@gmail.com to join!

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